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Avant Garde Film Afternoon Sunday 1st June

The aim of this programme was to draw attention to female directors and practitioners whose work remains relatively undiscovered and obscure, or criminally underrated, either within popular culture or film history and to create a lively space to view and discuss these works.
This screening profiled Maya Deren and Margaret Tait.

Meshes Of The Afternoon. Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid, 1943 (USA, 15mins)
At Land. Maya Deren, 1944 (USA, 15mins)
A Study In Choreography For Camera. Maya Deren, 1945 (USA, 4mins)
Meditation On Violence. Maya Deren, 1948 (USA, 12mins)
The Very Eye Of The Night. Maya Deren, 1958 (USA, 15mins)

(Short Intermission)

Hugh MacDiarmid, A Portrait. Margaret Tait, 1964. (UK, 9mins)
Aerial. Margaret Tait, 1974 (UK, 4mins)
Portrait Of Ga. Margaret Tait, 1952. (UK, 4mins)
Ask No Questions. Violet Anderson, 1936 (UK, 5mins)
Painted Eightsome. Margaret Tait, 1970 (UK, 6mins)
Colour Poems. Margaret Tait, 1974 (uk, 11mins)

Thanks to A.C.E for hosting the event and the Scottish Screen Archive.

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